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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Paul and Ringo?

I'd like address the issue of the friendship between Paul and Ringo. First off: they didnt know each other right from the beginning. you see, first there was John. then Paul came to the group THROUGH John. then George came to the group THROUGH Paul. then Ringo came to the group THROUGH George. and i know this for a fact because i hear it from John Lennon himself. in a interview. so dont no one go saying 'oh, you're just making that up'. because i'm not!!! yeah, so second of all, Paul and Ringo were the farthest apart. i guess that makes sense cos Paul didnt have any connections to Ringo so they werent close and George didnt have any connections to John so they werent close. I think the only one Ringo was really close to was George cos thats how he came to the band. I'd ALSO like to point out an interview i saw with Paul and Ringo. it was 2009 or 2008. something like that. anyway, they got into this HUGE fight on TV in front of everything and the press. it got to the point that Ringo actually said, quote on quote "shut up, its my turn!" to Paul. *gasp*. lol. i just wanted to point this out cos its been bugging me! oh, and guess what?! i FINALLY got new a key board!!!!! it makes loud clicking noises when i type. lol. peace out!

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