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Monday, July 4, 2011

Role Playing

Everyone views the beatles differently. There's the people who just refer to them as just some band they remembered from the 60's. Then there's people who think of them as just a band. Then there's people who like them very much but still aren't comfortable caling them by their first names. Then there's the beatle freaks. Who know everything and anything about them. Who talk about them all the time, mainly only listen to their music, have their albums, posters, merchandise (i'm talking shirts, books, hats, pencils, pens, calenders, board games, note books, stuffed toys, magnets, stickers, mugs, bags, ext.). I mean its one thing to go from Paul McCartney to Paul but its another thing to go from Paul to Paulie. I think all my fellow beatle obsessors know what i'm talking about, right? And the thing is-we cant really help our selves! So what i'm getting at here, is you start to develop your own view of the beatles-what roles they play to you. For instance, some people view John as maybe a brother figure to them or maybe Ringo as a fatherly figure. I'd like to share what role the beatles play to me. Starting with George, my favourite. To me he's a boyfriend figure. Some one i'd have romance with. My second favourite, Paul. He used to be my favourite and used to be a boyfriend figure but now he's more of a brotherly figure to me. Or sometimes a really close friend. Now John, my third favourite. I never could really figure out how i felt about John. But i think now he plays a fatherly role to me. I think what influences that is his strong build and such. And that leader quality that he had. And last but not least, Ringo. Now this is hard because I dont give Ringo much thought (forgive me). But if i had to chose, i'd say Ringo is like a friend. Nothing more. Like those people you occasionally carry a conversation with and those people who you just say hi to when you see them. That's what Ringo would be. Now that this is out there, i'd like to see the roles that the beatles play to you! so if you'd like, leave a comment telling me! Wow, this is getting longer than expected so, Gut Yor! (that's good bye in Yiddish. I've been learning Yiddish lately).

1 comment:

  1. Great post. You started me thinking.

    Paul, to me, is the guy who always seems to be "up" and is very talented, but who also keeps a little distance and is very hard to get to know really well. (I have a younger brother like that.)

    Ringo is what I would call a lovely friend. You can make his day just by saying you like him or something he did.

    John is the friend who sometimes infuriates you, but you can never stay mad because he is so interesting and he never turns his back on you. He can be almost too honest when he thinks you are being foolish and yet never holds a grudge and is always ready to forget and move on.

    George is the guy who always sees the amusing side of life and shares his unique sense of humor. You can't help but smile when he opens up to you. And he has a natural understanding of what is important and what should be taken with a grain of salt.

    Four complex and different people who formed the most original musical group of all time.
